Each month I sponsor an auricular (ear acupuncture) clinic to help Veterans with PTSD, depression, anxiety, stress and pain. It is held at different facilities, is open to all Veterans, and is donation-based. It is an offshoot of a program run by Acupuncturist Without Borders called the Military Stress Recovery Project or MSRP.
The Military Stress Recovery Project | Acupuncturists Without Borders
“At Blossom Health, we serve women”: We are an in-network provider for the Veterans Choice Program, part of the TriWest initiative. Acupuncture is free to all Veterans under this program. To schedule an appointment with us, please call TriWest at 866-606-8198 and specify that you’d like to see Sharon Pruss, L.Ac. for acupuncture. They will authorize a certain number of sessions.
This is my way of giving back to those who serve. Please look at our Blog for the most current Veterans event.