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Veterans Care

Acupuncture for Veterans

Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to help Veterans manage combat-related as well as non-combat health conditions. The most common include:

  • PTSD and MST (Military Sexual Trauma, which is related to PTSD)
  • Pain
  • Neuropathy
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Inability to focus
  • Lack of energy, fatigue
  • Poor memory
  • Hypervigilence

Many medications prescribed for these conditions can be highly addictive. The opioid crisis is off the charts, and Veterans unfortunately are a big part of this population.  In 2016, there were 64,000 opioid-related deaths in the US. Relying solely on medications can create more problems in the long run, and perpetuate a vicious cycle of symptoms, pain, and addiction. Any of these symptoms, when severe, can have a profound negative impact on life.

Chemical addictions, pain, and PTSD tend to occur together, and the path to recovery often involves addressing them all. One of the most effective methods for treating pain, anxiety and addictions is the NADA protocol. (Inserting five needles inserted at specific points in the ear.)

Other types of acupuncture commonly used:

Community Acupuncture, which provides a unique opportunity for relaxed group support and healing. This model works well for many Veterans, either alone or as an adjunct to private sessions.

Battlefield Acupuncture is effective for treating severe pain. It has been used for pain management both in emergency situations for active duty soldiers as well as for Veterans during the recovery process. This protocol has made it possible to drastically reduce the use of pain medications.

Why Women Veterans Often Don’t Get the Care They Need. Women are the fastest growing group of Veterans, and the VA healthcare system can barely keep up.  

Invisibility.  The current VA medical system was created with men in mind. The care of female Veterans, tends to “fall through the cracks”. Everything from gynecology to prosthetic devices designed for a woman is at the moment, not much more than an afterthought. Both men and women are just as likely to suffer from PTSD due to the trauma of combat, but women also have to contend with a new subset of PTSD–MST (Military Sexual Trauma). Homelessness and unemployment are also statistically more of a problem for women than for male Veterans.

At Blossom Health, be assured, that we especially cater to the healthcare needs of women.

We offer acupuncture in a group setting on-site at any Veterans facility–either hospital, clinic or living. The goal of this service is to help with PTSD, depression, anxiety, stress and pain, using the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) Protocol. This can be weekly, bi-monthly, etc. Please call us for details at 310-621-4553.

We also offer a monthly acupuncture clinic for Veterans in the Long Beach area. This is a donation-based service open to all Veterans. Please watch the Blog for the next clinic in May.

Proudly Caring for Veterans
310-621-4553 Directions Contact/Schedule