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IVF Support

I saw Sharon several years ago at the advice of my RE, while undergoing an IVF cycle. It was my first IVF and I am very grateful to Sharon for my first child! Now fast forward and I am pregnant again! I came to Sharon for my second IVF cycle because I am so confident in her abilities. Her knowledge of western reproductive medicine is broad, and she integrates nutrition, supplements, massage, lifestyle, and all of the necessary components to make this truly a holistic journey! I’ve been to other Acupuncturists in the area but no one compares to Sharon! Thank you!

– Robin E., Manhattan Beach


I began seeing Sharon about a year ago, during my first IVF cycle. She was highly recommended to me by a friend, who had also seen her and had a successful pregnancy. I just need to let everyone know that Sharon is the most compassionate doctor I have ever experienced. She listens intently, with great concern and love. She spends more time than most Acupuncturists I know, and is amazing at patient follow-up. She will go to the ends of the earth when it comes to educating her patients. Her skills really set her apart. Most Acupuncturists I have been to do not do lab testing and their nutritional guidance is lacking. We got pregnant on the first try! I am now seeing her again, but this time I want to work on my health issues which may have led to requiring IVF in the first place. We are working on restoring balance in all areas of my life. My husband also sees her because she specializes in male fertility as well. I highly recommend Sharon if you are considering conceiving. She’s the real deal.

– Hannah S., Redondo Beach


My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past year and a half. We decided to choose the IVF route after a couple of unsuccessful IUIs. Sharon was referred to us by our RE coordinator who spoke very highly of her. They have been referring to Sharon for years and claim she is the best in the area because she looks at every angle of conception, including mindfulness. I was a bit skeptical about acupuncture but decided to give it a try. I saw Sharon for three months prior to the IVF cycle, which was what she recommends. She explained that it takes 90 days to “get good quality eggs”. I went into the first round of IVF very relaxed and assured, thanks to Sharon’s healing nature and care. I had been told that IVF sometimes does not work the first time, but it did for us! I am so grateful! I strongly believe that the three months prep time made a difference, and I would highly encourage anyone thinking about IVF to consider doing acupuncture as early as possible. We are pregnant!

– Elizabeth R ., Redondo Beach


I am single, and want to prepare for when I meet Mr. Right! I started seeing Sharon a couple of years ago when I decided that I’d better start planning now. I was 34 at the time. I had decided to consult with an RE because I was told that I had low ovarian reserve. My RE’s office referred me to Sharon, since I was going it alone and they felt I needed some support. I ended up doing a mini-IVF cycle and got two good eggs, which I froze. I saw Sharon twice a week during that time and she was so comforting. She really helped me to relax and surrender to the process. I am now back seeing her again in the hopes that we can try this one more time. I have so much faith in her and I know she has helped many women with conception. She’s not one to brag, though, but her success rate is really high. I hope that others will read this and feel compelled to seek her care!

– Rachel T., Los Angeles


I have had the pleasure of being a patient of Sharon Pruss while undergoing IVF treatments this year. I heard of Sharon Pruss from my Reproductive Endocrinologist as she has a reputation for being a specialist in the field of infertility. Although I had my reservations about acupuncture, I felt comfortable the first time I met Sharon. She instilled a sense of confidence not only of acupuncture, but of the entire infertility process. She is easy to talk to and her experience shines through her interactions with her patients. Being a physician myself, I know this is a quality that cannot be learned, but that it takes an outstanding personality mixed with years of experience to accomplish. It is also important to note that Sharon is extremely professional and caring. She has even called me to just “check in” between my appointments with her. I, without reservation, would recommend Sharon Pruss to any patients that need or are willing to explore the field of acupuncture.
Thank you,

– H.S., Rancho Cucamonga


Male Factor

So let me be the first guy to write a fertility testimonial! My partner and I began seeing Sharon when I was diagnosed with male factor. Okay so I’m not as macho as some, and I knew how important this was for both of us, so I decided to see Sharon as one of my colleagues had also seen her for male factor. She seems to be one of the few in the area who really addresses us men! My partner and I decided to do IVF, because she also has some health challenges. So we both saw Sharon, which I don’t think is typical. I know that male factor is very predominant these days but most fertility clinics seem to dwell on the woman. Anyway, we saw Sharon about two months prior to IVF, and then once a week during the IVF cycle. She gave me some supplements to address motility and other issues, and talked to me at length about my diet and lifestyle. I felt very comfortable with her. She’s warm and engaging and very supportive. My wife felt the same. Her treatments worked. We got pregnant! For any guys on the fence about acupuncture and how it can help male factor, get over it! It works!

– David S., Torrance


I recently went for a semen analysis and it turns out that I’m one of those IT guys who always has a laptop on his lap. Well, not such a good idea. My wife and I have been trying to have a child for over a year. I’ve had acupuncture before for back pain, and it really helped a lot. So I decided to try to get some help since I’ve read that acupuncture and herbs can really help with sperm issues. And we didn’t really want to go through IVF. I saw Sharon once a week for quite a few months. We worked on my diet, lifestyle habits, stress (I’m type A), and I took the supplements and herbs she recommended. We were able to get pregnant naturally. It was a small miracle. I am so thankful that I did this and recommend it to any couple, guy, who wants to create a family.

– Tod W., R. Palos Verdes


Natural Conception

Well I went to Sharon initially for some respiratory issues. At the time this was my priority, however, I also had hopes of conceiving within the year. My husband and I had been trying to no avail. After a few months of acupuncture, supplements and herbs, I got pregnant! It was a miracle, because we weren’t working directly on fertility. I think she helped so much with my stress, that my body began feeling receptive to conceiving. And voila, I am the proud mom of a beautiful baby girl! I wasn’t even sure this was possible!

– Rebecca S., Redondo Beach


I have been seeing Sharon for about two years, for low back pain, diabetes, PCOS, and then an injury sustained in a car accident. At the same time, we were working towards my fertility, but there always seemed to be something else in the way. I had gone for some treatments with my gynecologist (Clomid), however, they didn’t seem to work. I didn’t want to go the IVF route although Sharon felt it might be a good idea to see an RE for a full work-up. Still, I resisted. She continued to help me with my current set of complaints and for the first time, I didn’t get my period. I took an at-home pregnancy test and it was positive! I also saw my OB about 2 weeks later and she confirmed my pregnancy. So one of the results of acupuncture is that you can get pregnant without really trying! I now recommend Sharon to all of my friends.

– Jessica L., Lexington


Sharon is great! I went to her for my first ever acupuncture treatment. I was trying to conceive naturally and had been trying for six months. I am 32 and no other health issues. She took the time to hear about my concerns and health history. I took some of her recommended herbs, did a couple of treatments and within a month I conceived. I continued to see her through the pregnancy to help with nausea and other pregnancy-related discomforts which always helped and kept my stress at bay. I am now eight months pregnant and feel that she really helped me through this transition. I highly recommend Sharon. She is also very flexible, knowledgeable and loves to research and add valuable insight.

– Britney M., Manhattan Beach



I have been diagnosed with acid reflux and IBS and have been struggling with digestion issues for years. I’ve taken numerous PPI medications, and simply do not want to be taking drugs. I decided to seek Sharon’s care when I learned through a friend, that Sharon is one of the only holistic digestion specialists in the area. My friend has been seeing her for years, with similar issues, and Sharon has helped her get off all of her medications. I’ve been doing acupuncture for the past year or more now, and I no longer take any drugs except for blood pressure medication. We also did some progressive lab testing, as Sharon specializes in Functional Medicine. My MD would never order some of the tests I had done. My digestion is 100% better. I am on a regimen of supplements and a clean, organic diet–no gluten, sugar, etc. My skin looks great too and I feel so much better. I was a bit skeptical at first, but now I am a strong believer. Acupuncture really works, not just for pain, but for internal issues as well.
If you want someone who practices acupuncture but who also can do all of your lab testing, please call Sharon.

– Linda T., Long Beach


My first appointment with Sharon was a little awkward because I did not know what to expect. I was concerned and skeptical about acupuncture. But, Sharon has a kind and gentle nature about her and that helped in easing any and all worries that I had on my mind. I have to say she is one miracle worker. I personally deal with anxiety, asthma, back, and stomach problems and she has helped in a huge way. Sharon has a lot of knowledge and insight. I have recommended her to many of my friends. She is a true gem! When you’ve run out of options, please consider Sharon. Give her a try-she will not disappoint. ” Luck and Blessings” 🙂

– Christi S., Redondo Beach



I have been having a choking problem for nine years since my husband was killed in an accident. I thought that it was stress, then hormones, and then just that I was crazy. After a few years of this I finally went to a doctor who diagnosed me with Eosinophilic Esophagitis-an allergy in my throat. He put me on steroids and allergy medicine and it did not get better. This went on for another few years. At Christmas I had a bad bout and they could do nothing but tell me to go to the ER, and that they would give me morphine to relax! I found Dr. Sharon from my friend Rebecca Melzer, Sharon gave me “hope”. I have only had one episode since then and am off all my medications. The minute I met Dr. Sharon, I knew that she was going to get to the bottom of this. She listens and is very caring. She looks at the big picture, not just the one thing that is wrong. I am very happy that I found her. She has brought peace to my life.

– B.S., Los Angeles


Sharon is the best Acupuncturist I have ever experienced. She is very conscientious and thorough. I was struggling with chronic fatigue and multiple health issues, and I experienced immediate relief. I returned for more treatments and continued to improve rapidly with each session. I highly recommend her services and care to anyone looking for support for any health concerns. Her acupuncture treatments will do wonders for your health!

– Selena M., San Pedro


Cancer is terrifying on its own, without having to go through it alone. Fortunately, I had a great support team. I am writing today to talk about one such member of my support team, my Acupuncturist, Sharon Pruss.

While researching alternative treatments to use in conjunction with my radiation and chemotherapy, I was relieved to find that acupuncture was the only thing listed that really seemed to help with many of the specific side effects of radiation of the head and neck. I mentioned this to someone at the Cancer Community of the South Bay, and he immediately referred me to Sharon. I started my acupuncture treatments a week later, prior to the beginning of my radiation and chemotherapy. There were changes for the better from the beginning of my treatments. As a result of my surgery, I developed sleep apnea, and I snored like a chainsaw. After the first acupuncture treatment, my sleep apnea was gone, and the snoring was drastically reduced.

As time went on and I started radiation and chemotherapy, acupuncture reduced my symptoms to a minimum. In fact, at the half-way mark, my oncologist could not believe how well I looked and felt. Of course, the human body is not made to withstand radiation and I did start developing some side effects. Sharon was amazing during this time. When my mouth blistered, she recommended healthy drinks to keep my energy and spirits up, and always made time for me when I needed an additional appointment. Once the radiation and chemo came to an end, I continued to work with Sharon and within one week, the burns and blisters in my mouth had healed. The only other side effect that I had developed was a problem in tasting food. My support group told me that it would take at least six months for that to be restored, but through working with Sharon, I regained almost all of my ability to taste food within six weeks. One of the worst side effects that affect many head and neck patients is a reduction in saliva, which I can say never happened to me due to my acupuncture treatments.

As a result of my great experience, I have family members seeing Sharon. Sharon has been able to help my life partner sleep after years of insomnia. I have and will continue to recommend Sharon to friends and associates. She made all of the difference in my personal journey back to health!

– R.M., Long Beach


When I first came to Sharon, I thought my case was too complicated to receive any benefit from acupuncture. I was wrong!  Sharon has helped me deal with many symptoms of Lyme disease, among other things. I think the biggest thing that has improved is my level of pain. Acupuncture truly helps with all kinds of pain and often relieves it almost instantly. It is also helpful for insomnia, anxiety and just about anything else you can think of.

Sharon looks at all aspects of my life and symptoms to determine the best approach. She researches my issues and is very insightful. She is an important part of my medical care.

– T.M., Corona


Nerve Injury

Sharon’s acupuncture helped me overcome a severe injury to the nerves of my right hand. Since I am an avid tennis player, this really impacted my game. I really appreciate her help in overcoming my injury in such a short time.

– C.E., Palos Verdes


Chronic Infections

Sharon always saves the day! Thank you!! Been going to Sharon for about 10 years. I follow Sharon wherever she goes. She’s the only acupuncturist I fully trust. I started seeing Sharon because I had a bad sinus infection and got to the point where I couldn’t even smell anything. It had been going on for months. I used just about everything and nothing seemed to work so my mom who has been seeing Sharon for many years told me to try it out. I thought, what will needles do?  I was desperate to get better, so I went in for treatment and felt better by my third session. I was healed, and even Sharon was surprised that my body responded so quickly. That’s when I fell in love with acupuncture and Sharon’s work. She helps me with any other issues and always fixes me! I get the cupping done too, which I love!  Sharon is really knowledgeable in her field and professional. I can’t wait until my next session as always.

Rose P., Corona


Musculoskeletal Pain

Sharon really helped me a lot in so many ways. I called and left a message letting her know my pain and the urgency of getting treatment that day because my family was flying in and I couldn’t move my neck. She called me back and tried to accommodate my request by giving me an appointment and asking me questions so she could receive me later at her practice.
She was polite, caring and knowledgeable. I had an acupuncture treatment and cupping (which I love!) and it helped me a whole lot. I was very impressed with gua sha. This was a light massage using a jade tool. That was the cherry on top. My neck regained mobility and I felt so much better. She cured me and without Sharon’s treatment, it would have taken so much longer to heal. Acupuncture has always been wonderful and generous to me and I’m really happy that Sharon knows what she is doing. I’m going back!

– Valeria S., Torrance


Wonderful experiences with Sharon! A great listener who shows genuine concern for her clients’ well being. A beautiful heart, you can tell she really loves what she does and takes her practice very seriously. She is very knowledgeable and digs deep to find the root of ailments-not just a temporary cure to mask them. Prior to Sharon, I had never considered acupuncture as a means of healing the muscle spasms in my back. Now after six years of dealing with this pain and finally experiencing real relief, I have become a believer in this medicine! Wish I would have known of her sooner!

– Elizabeth H., Redondo Beach


I would like to share how Sharon Pruss was able to help me through one of the most painful periods in my life. I had been to countless appointments with medical providers to address the pain in my right shoulder. I was continuously discounted as someone who just wanted painkillers. Each time I was given vitamin M (Motrin) or a stronger version thereof. To be truthful I did not want the pain pills. I knew in my heart that something was causing the pain, and that was what needed attention. The painkillers had taken their toll on me. I was experiencing a loud ringing in my ears each time I would take them. I felt desperate and just wanted someone to listen to me. The only provider that would listen to my full story and try a multitude of methods to decrease the pain was Sharon. She was very methodical about her approach and used evidence-based practices. I would not have made it through that long period without her. She was indeed able to decrease my pain and continued to encourage me to seek and demand proper assessment of my situation. Ultimately, surgery had to be performed to repair my shoulder and the muscles around it that had been damaged. However, this was missed due to the unwillingness of any one provider to spend more than three minutes with me. Sharon was willing to work with each one of my specialists and their recommendations for treatment. A provider who can recognize that it can take more than one specialist to treat an issue impresses me.

Sharon treated me pre-operatively and post-operatively. I feel my recovery was shortened due to her assistance with fire cupping, acupuncture, the dietary changes, and just simply listening to me talk it out. Sharon is good at what she does and I felt she made me a top priority, although, I suspect she makes all of her patients feel that way.

– L.B., Downey


I originally went to Sharon due to pain caused by adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). However, she did an extensive intake and was able to discern that my ailments did not stop at the frozen shoulder. She worked with me over the course of a year, adapting her treatment plans to custom-fit my personal needs. Sharon correctly diagnosed me with gluten intolerance and guided me through a more appropriate diet. Although I am geographically separated from Sharon, I am still using everything she recommended. Treatments utilized include acupuncture, fire cupping, nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, and many more. Thank you Sharon.

– Leslie B., San Pedro

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